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His True Face

Despite being an achievement, how to obtain it is still a mystery.


  • It can be obtained in 2 ways (or more?):

    • One of them is during the mission "His true Face" in the Blood Brothers quest.

    • The second one, is still a mystery, already obtained and documented by a few dozens of players. This way is will be the focus of this article.


The people who got it the second way said they got it after just entering the Armenius tavern (they clicked on the map, when they realized, they won the achievement).

Considering that these statements are true, why doesn't this happen to everyone? There are players more than a year checking daily and not obtaining, is there a need to meet any requirements?

In response to this, several players sent a ticket to Cipsoft requesting information on the progress of a series of achievements, including His True Face. And the answer was curious and very varied:

Some who do not have it received responses such as: "0/2" [0 of 2 requirements], "1/2" [1 of 2 requirements], "N / a" [Possibly the same as 0/2], "1 "[Possibly the same as 1/2]. Incredibly people who do not have the achievement received a response "It seems to be completed", basically inducing that the player already has the achievement (When in reality he does not have it).

The question in mind, what are the 2 requirements? The theory is that requirement 1 is to perform the blood brothers quest, and after this quest is finished the player randomly visiting the Armenius tavern could be "pulled" and be able to complete the second requirement, since it is imagined that upon completing the 2 / 2 only occurs when receiving the achievement. Unfortunately, due to the large number of tickets sent, Cipsoft is no longer responding to the progress of "Secret" achievements.

If you have any useful information and want to add to the topic, please feel free to use the comments field, or the forum.

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