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Writer's pictureBrighid

Tibia's Hidden Truths - Results

It is with great joy that we announce the top 3 of our Tibia's Hidden Truths contest. There were a total of 7 submissions with an even distribution between the 3 proposed themes. The voting was done by members of the TibiaLight team, administrators from other fansites and Cipsoft Community Managers. Below you can see the winners and their submissions to the contest (all in English as the standard used in voting). It is possible that some parts of the text have been suppressed, due to parts containing the character's name. To avoid any kind of interference during the vote any identifier has been removed, keeping the essence of the text completely.

1st Place - Gnome's Digging (Anjo Caidu - Lutabra)


2nd Place - Elven Research (Exchelsis - Celesta)


3rd Place - The Bonelord Language (Lerot Slayer - Luminera)


Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part in this contest. See you at future events!

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